Digital transformation fallacy

Replacing tools doesn't equal real change

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Table of Contents

Pull to Eject

How can we still be talking about Digital Transformation 3 decades after the internet explosion?

I thought that’s what we were doing with 90’s web development.

I was wrong.

We were simply web enabling existing processes. We kicked the can down the road.

“That’s how we’ve always done it” was turned into applications and online tools.

Garbage in. Garbage out.

Digital transformations are an imperative as corporations need to harness the potential of disruptive technologies and integrate them into new processes and ways of working.

The reality has been dismal.

70% of digital transformation projects fail.

Status Quo

Humans suck at change.

And those deeply rooted behaviors have been a big impediment.

Legacy crap is in the way of transformational change. The larger the industry, the more entrenched.

Typically one of the largest employers in every city, healthcare seems ripe for disruption.

Unfortunately, healthcare builds solutions for the system - payers and payees - and not so much - the patients.

Just call your doctors office - and listen to the options. If the last option on the phone tree is to actually talk to someone, you realize where the patient ranks.

For many reasons, the incumbents — established health systems — will be extremely hard to displace.

Consumer Examples

The latest TV technology is amazing.

Samsung wants you to buy a new TV every few years - just like you buy other consumer products.

But what will you watch?

Content quality and the delivery systems haven’t kept up. So why should I upgrade to an 8k TV at my house if I’m still limited by the speed of coax cable in the nieghborhood?

Short answer. I shouldn’t.

Despite the crazy spend from corporate IT departments there are way too many legacy things holding back real digital transformation.

I had a comment from a Launch Key subscriber last week who reminded me of this in his restaurant industry.

They’ve spent millions on restaurant tech - staffing tools, online ordering, 3rd party management software - but ultimately still need to download all those inputs to Excel at the end of the month.

Sure there have been improvements, but the new tools have not equaled ‘transformation.’

Despite the negative topics in this article, the pace of change is not slowing.

Whats really possible with tech - whether using virtual reality or AI or blockchain or just a clean new stack of freemium SaaS tools - is leaner corporations.

How can you let the customer do exactly what they need to do - without the status quo getting in the way?

If you look around and realize that you are part of the status quo, then it may be time to start something new.

Social engineering of employee change is not required.

Digital products, side hustles, new startups - unburdened by legacy - offer a clean slate needed for true digital transformation.

Wholesale change can be the foundation of your new new thing - but only if it doesn’t include “because that’s how we’ve always done it.”

Now go launch something 🚀 

Taking the road less traveled is often harder but well worth it

Tina Turner

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