Genesis Block

Launch Key - the why

Brain Drain and the new economy

By 2029, all of the Baby Boomers will be at least 65. And despite the talk about knowledge transfer or how important we are to the organization, it hasn’t felt that way in a long time. Add on the layers of corporate mandates, forced compliance and political policies via hr. Zoom meetings have neutered deal makers. And a lack of accountability is killing morale. A vast swath of boomers either want to or have permanently left the work force.

But our knowledge and experience are still crucial. And that means there are consulting or other part time gigs perfectly suited to be the bridge between now, and whenever we decide to call it ‘retirement.’ If your work experience has had a measurable result, could you do it for 15 other companies? Why not build a cash flow situation from your unique set of skills.

Launch Key came about from a few friends asking for tech advice to start their own side hustle. What new software tools could make a consulting gig easier? What If they wanted to write a book? Was AI really something they needed to learn? How could they build their own audience or lead an online class?

And I kept answering the questions by talking about the Creator Economy. Sure - in our 50’s and 60’s - we’re probably not going be be Instagram models or OnlyFans girls. But the trend of video, podcasts and content creation is really only getting started.

We’ve all had business ideas that got shelved or put into the bottom drawer until we had more time. Many of our peers are still stuck in that corporate gig with a half baked startup vision. Forward this newsletter to them.

Launch Key is designed to give away ideas, tips, resources and content that will spark the startup you’ve been dreaming about. Shed the corporate overhead. The most direct route off the corporate merry-go-round is YOU.

We promise to provide useful content with simple and cost effective tools in every weekly newsletter. If and when you get your business to a place where it needs outside guidance, we’ll call on the network for the most qualified talent. We know those people … they’re already reading and contributing to the Launch Key.

The creation tools are inexpensive. The reach is practically global. Every potential buyer has a super computer in their pocket. What are you waiting for?

Now go launch something 🚀 


or to participate.