Leap of Faith

Escaping the 'wantrepreneur' epidemic

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Pull to Eject

People love to make excuses about why they haven’t created their dream business … or even gotten it started.

Don’t over analyze it.

You make 10 times more progress by doing than you do reading about it.

Most founders are naturally curious - and want to plan for their success.

But many get hung up in analysis paralysis.

  • Market analysis

  • Product ideation

  • Customer input

  • Content edits

  • Economic conditions

  • What will my friends think?

All noise.

The perfect time to start is today.

From a Tim Ferris blog I learned the term “wantrepreneur.”

There is a “wantrepreneur” epidemic, where people prevent themselves from ever actually doing the side-project they always talk about over beers.

The truth of the matter is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time building the foundation for a successful business.

As Launch Key readers know, the tools available today can be used to start something in a matter of days. But it requires a leap of faith.

Old School Manufacturing

I witnessed a visual leap of faith during summer jobs in college while working under a paper machine.

The paper manufacturing process really is incredible.

Slurry pulp reaches a magic moment when just enough water has been removed so that a continuous paper sheet suspends off the conveyor and starts the drying process.

You can stand at that exact section of the machine and literally see the change from pulp to paper.

When we take a leap of faith, we’re not just making a decision — we’re making a commitment to ourselves.

We do it throughout our lives when we:

  • learn to ride a bike

  • drive a car

  • ask someone out on a date

  • move to a new city

  • fill out college applications

  • propose marriage

  • start a family

  • interview for a job

  • start a business

Despite helicopter parents, there is no guidebook for the leaps.

Once you escape wantrepreneuer you find like-minded people. The connected world has made that easier.

Inexpensive, rent-as-you-go software tools take away many tasks that used to require an employee.

And when you do need to hire - the talent does not need to live in your city.

Taking a leap of faith can profoundly transform our lives.

It’s about trusting in the unseen, believing in the unknown, and having the courage to step into uncharted territories.

It’s about embracing change, challenging our fears, and stepping out of our comfort zones.

Analysis and planning are important.

But they’re less important than having faith in life’s process and our own abilities.

Now go launch something 🚀 

To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities

as you do at conclusions.

Benjamin Franklin

Ready to start?

This Launch 🚀 kit guides you through market validation, customer definition and messaging examples to use your uncommon knowledge and create a standout product.

Frame up your unique experience and authentic voice.

Modern Tools

Let’s say you have started a new business and realized it needs a little structure.

Tailorbrands empowers millions of entrepreneurs, helping set up legal structure, file state paperwork, as well as providing tools and resources needed for the journey.

Don’t let back office business noise stand in the way of progress.

Old School Wisdom

Don’t just aim for making side hustle dollars per month.

Frank Kern gave this talk over a decade ago and its about suspending your disbelief to get to million dollar days.

Dream big.

Free Knowledge

Boomers are entering the entrepreneurial ranks at such speed, many are calling entrepreneurship “the new mid-life crisis.”

Did you know?

The majority of startups in the U.S. are launched by people over 45?


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