Your uncommon knowledge

Launch Key #016

Pull to Eject

“Your common knowledge isn’t common” is an idea borrowed from Justin Welsh.

It’s easy to work somewhere for a while and end up in a comfortably numb role. Good compensation and benefits at the expense of endless meetings, reply-all email and weekly fire drills.

Something is missing.

You can’t quite put your finger on it.

You might have a dream about leaving the rat race. But what product or service could you sell? What has this job added to your marketable skills? What have you really done?

More than you think.

Did you know?

The majority of startups in the U.S. are launched by people over 45?

Kauffman Foundation for Entrepreneurship

Your common knowledge is probably a lot less common than you assume.

Make a list of things you know:

  • What do people call you about?

  • Why do you do it that way?

  • What are the must-do steps, every time?

  • What are the shortcuts?

  • What expertise do you have today that you didn’t 10 years ago?

Do a search on Quora, LinkedIn, X or Reddit for the items on your list.

Are other people searching for answers to the things you listed?

Strategically, are there other industries with a dearth of your skills?

For example:

  • Could your financial expertise find a match in a marketing role?

  • Or your marketing knowledge be more valuable in a trade type business?

  • Or writing skills be used better in an engineering field?

  • Could your technology chops be leveraged in the communications arena?

Your common knowledge might be exactly what another business needs.

Or it could be the basis of an uncommon new business.

Now go launch something 🚀 

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas Edison

Modern Tools

The business you want - might not be a startup

And just needs your uncommon knowledge to make it great.

Small business owners will sell more than 10 million businesses before 2029, and the majority have no transition plan. One of those could jump start your entrepreneurial dream.

Old School Wisdom

Cultivate a growth Mindset (#ad) for achievement from Dweck’s best seller.

“It’s not always the people who start out the smartest who end up the smartest.”

Carol S. Dweck

Free Knowledge

You don’t need to pitch your deck to investors.

You don’t need investors.

Starting the business of your dreams has never been more readily available. The Saturday Solopreneur is an excellent newsletter for getting that side hustle started.

Visual Crapshoot

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